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New York City Ladybug Pest Control

The ladybug appears to be an innocent, harmless little critter. Its orange, black, or red, black polka-dotted wings wrap over the insect’s back, giving the appearance of a turtle-like shell. The wings are covered with a thin layer of protection to minimize injury risk on takeoff, landing, fighting off predators, and infiltrating homes through tiny exterior-to-interior access points.

The ladybug is a member of the Coccinellidae family, which consists of various beetle species. The adult grows up to 0.5 inches in length. There are more than 5,000 Coccinellidae members identified by scientists all over the world.

New York City exterminators constantly remind their clients that ladybugs overwinter during the winter season. Activity is at its highest beginning in the late fall, continuing until winter sets in each year. To avoid spending the harsh winter exposed to the elements – snow, sleet, icy rain, cold wind, and low temperatures.

The ladybug is viewed as helpful and nuisance pests, depending on the individual doing the explaining. These insects play a major in the grown of specific crops and plants. Ladybugs belong to an insect classification known as “pollinator.” Pollinators transport pollen from male plants to their female countertops, a process called “pollination.” Various insect species help industrial, commercial, and independent farmers and gardeners pollinate their plants and crops – watermelon, elderberry, cherry, clethra, coneflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, mint, basil, strawberry, onion, cucumber, apple, cabbage, turnip, and radish.

Why Are Ladybugs Targeting My New York City Property?

It is unclear why ladybugs target specific homes, commercial buildings, and public facilities. These overwintering pests initiate home infiltration attempts in the late fall. This activity in preparation for the upcoming winter season. Ladybugs are oftentimes accompanied by other overwintering pestsstinkbugs, cluster flies, box elder “boxelder” bugs, and leaf-footed pine seed bugs.

Ladybugs colonize for survival and reproduction purposes. These insects live and travel together, even when they are trying to infiltrate buildings. If your home is under attack by ladybugs, you can guarantee, the season is fall. Your home is not the sole target of these insects. In fact, every home and business in your community is probably under ladybug attack as well.

Are My Children’s Heath When Ladybugs Are Present?

No, ladybugs are not known to spread disease or parasites to humans. Since this is an overwintering pest, the odds of food- and water-borne illnesses are extremely low. Generally, overwintering insects do not feed or reproduce after a home infiltration.

Sealing off all gaps, holes, and crevices leading from the exterior to the interior of your home will definitely play in your favor. Since the insect is not expected to reproduce indoors, sealing off access points will help control the population inside your home.

One of the most common complaints from victims of these insects is a foul odor. As part of a defense mechanism, the ladybug produces a secretion. The defense secretion contains agents that stain specific surfaces – fabric, drapery, and walls. The foul odor is supposed to keep predators at bay.

What Pest Control Plan Do New York City Exterminators Recommend To Their Clients?

Most of the city’s finest exterminators believe professional pest management is the most effective ladybug exterminator. This strategy combines industrial-grade insecticides/pesticides, adhesive sticky traps, and weekly visual inspections. When these components are combined together, they deliver maximum results every time.

Every professional pest management solution is initiated by a visual wall-to-wall inspection. There are several purposes of a visual ladybug inspection. These include diagnosis, infestation severity, and hiding place location. 

Do You Recommend Do-It-Yourself Pesticides To Extermination Ladybug Infestation?

No, over-the-counter pesticides and insecticides are low-potency formulas. These pesticide formulas are generally not strong enough to eradicate more than a handful of live ladybugs with each treatment. Industrial-strength pesticide formulas, on the other hand, can fully eradicate mild, moderate, and severe ladybug infestations with just two treatments. Severer ladybug infestations may require an additional pesticide treatment to deliver 100 percent effectiveness.

When Will The Exterminator Perform My Ladybug Inspection?

If you have already gone through the process of requesting a ladybug inspection request, you can expect a delay between 24 and 48 hours. The delay is necessary for processing your service request.

If you are concerned about your ladybug problem, we suggest our same-day or emergency pest control service. Our pest control solutions include organic, natural, eco-friendly, and chemical pesticides, insecticides, traps, and other treatment processes.

Does Ladybug Pest Control Harm The Environment?

Only when misused and mishandled. To protect the environment and our clients from unnecessary chemical pesticide exposure, we heed the manufacturer’s recommendations. Our exterminators undergo extensive safety training courses that focus on the proper administration, storage, and transport of all pest control products.

Our pest control line is EPA-approved. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for pesticide oversight in the United States. All manufacturers are required to submit a copy of the ingredients utilized in their pesticides to the EPA before they are permitted to enter the market.

How Can I Protect My Home And Family From A Repeat Ladybug Infestation?

A professional ladybug pest prevention strategy is a necessity. These strategies combine regular visual inspections with an improvement in the impacted home’s pest barrier. The best barrier is a combination of components that play a role in keeping human, insect, and element intruders out.

There are a few things you can do to help our exterminators maximize the pest control results. One very important task that needs to be tackled without delay is an improvement in your home’s pest barrier.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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