Can Bed Bug Survive In Your Car? What To Know

Bedbugs are hardy pests that can survive almost anywhere. However, they need to avoid certain things to survive. They also need certain things to thrive, survive, and reproduce. Most people do not believe bedbugs can survive in vehicles. There is a possibility that bedbugs can take shelter and thrive inside your car or truck. It will depend on the circumstances, though.

In particular, it’ll depend on how often you drive and what the temperatures are at the time. Either way, a vehicle infestation will likely lead to a home infestation.

What Bedbugs Need

Bedbugs don’t need much to survive. They just need to make sure that they feed regularly. In extreme cases, bedbugs can go without feeding for up to 400 days. Therefore, they can easily survive in your car. If you drive once or twice a week, they’ll have plenty of time to feed. There is a misconception that bedbugs only feed at night.

Although this is the primary choice, they will also feed during the day when they’re hungry.

What Kills Bedbugs

Certain things can kill bedbugs. One of the most notable bedbug killers is heat. If bedbugs are exposed to extreme temperatures, they’re likely going to die. However, the temperature has to climb very high before these pests are going to die. Vehicles can get pretty hot during hot weather. If bedbugs are trying to hide in your vehicle, there is a chance that the interior of the vehicle will get too hot for them.

At 100 degrees, bedbugs will start experiencing damage. In general, bedbugs will die in 90 minutes when exposed to 113-degree temperatures. When the temperature climbs to 118, bedbugs will die in 20 minutes.

Furthermore, cold temperatures can kill bedbugs. The temperature must be -13 to kill adults and eggs in several days.

Can Bedbugs Survive In Cars?

Bedbugs can possibly survive in automobiles, but it depends on the circumstances. If your area is experiencing extremely hot temperatures, there’s a good chance that the heat inside the car will kill the bugs. The interiors of vehicles can sometimes reach 150 and even 170 degrees. These temperatures will kill bedbugs quickly. Bedbugs will be more likely to survive in an automobile in cold or mild weather.

It is always best to eliminate the bugs because they could enter your residence.

Fix The Issue

Ultimately, bedbugs prefer being inside homes. They want to be close to people when they’re sleeping. Doing so allows them to conveniently come out at night, feed, and go back to their hiding place. Therefore, bedbugs do not want to stay inside your automobile. They will remain there for as long as possible, but they’ll always try to find a way to enter a residence.

In all likelihood, the bugs are going to cling to your clothes and come inside with you. If you identify bedbugs in your vehicle, it is pertinent to do something about it. After all, it’s only a matter of time before these pests show up inside your home. Thankfully, a hot day may kill all the bedbugs in your car.

Got bed bugs? Don’t wait—call EZ Pest Exterminating NYC today! Your trusted solution for fast, effective, and professional bed bug extermination. Contact us now to reclaim your space!


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